Megaselia scalaris, an Ultimate Scavenger for Barely Degradable Solid Waste- Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Annals of Reviews & Research Megaselia scalaris, an Ultimate Scavenger for Barely Degradable Solid Waste- Juniper Publishers Authored by Atun Roy Choudhury Abstract The potential of the Megaselia scalaris as a readily available scavenger is underrated in all possible scenario. The capability of the laboratory flies in terms of discarding the hardly degradable matter yet to be explored and nurtured. Thus, the present study tried to emphasize the capability of the laboratory flies to minimize the scientific disposal issues associated with the barely degradable matter, often ranging approximately 7% in Indian municipal solid waste (MSW). Experiments were conducted in prototype bins using the thermopile variety of this mutant fly, which is predominant in the Indian subcontinent. The feeding process yielded an optimal weight reduction of 35% over the period of 11 days subjected to the environmental conditions. More...