JuniperPublishers | Annals of Reviews & Research

Recalibration of Kainji Reservoir Operating Rule for Optimal Operation

Authored by Mohammed J Mamman

Reservoir rule curves guide reservoir operations by setting target reservoir elevations throughout the year. In multipurpose reservoirs, the rule curve represents the compromise between different objectives such as flood control and water supply. This research tends to recalibrate the operation rule curves of Kainji reservoir system so as to guide the managers in their operation and to moderate the extreme events of flood and water shortage for better operational efficiency. Standard linear operation policy (SLOP) was adopted in the recalibration of the reservoir system; it is chosen based on its simplicity, its operating policy is to provide as much of the target demand as possible, used for operational studies and planning, particularly for firm yield studies. The SLOP provides a simple method of making release decisions.The reservoir elements: initial storage, reservoir capacity, inflow, evaporation and demand were entered into the SLOP programme and the outputs: reservoir storage and release were obtained.


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