JuniperPublishers | Annals of Reviews & Research

Scoring the Census Priority Table for Age Heaping and Shifting: A Study of 2006 Nigeria Population Census Result

Authored by Okafor Samuel O

Over the years, Nigeria had been struggling with census problems, which mainly have to do with appropriate data collection and management. This situation has drastically affected the quality of population data made available to the public and by implication, discourage sensitive research ventures which mainly rely on the census data in the country. Similarly, this has affected the structure and direction of development policies and projects in Nigeria which only sound plausible but cannot be realizable due to discrepancies between the population realities, and the assumptions on the paper (census results). This study focused on the 2006 population census result using the population priority table to statistically assess the quality of age reporting with the aid of whipple index and the sex ratio of the aged (85 years and above).


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